New members were briefed on radio and convoy procedures.
This is club visitor Deb peering down a hole where most of the club run have gone. Only a few small screams where heard and Maudje was recorded saying, "Don't worry, it's only a small bat.."
This is the hole.....wellll, not really but it was nearby
The run commenced at Coffs Harbour and headed west to Coramba and Nana Glen. Off the bitumen and up along Nana Creek Road to re-visit the old gold mining areas in the hills to the west. There is a link to more information about Coffs gold mining history on this page.
We came across this friendly reptile fella on one of the stops to peer down some really deep shafts. Club President Cowboy told a story told to him by his grandfather about a rock that took a whole day to reach the bottom of a shaft.
The friendly fella took a liking to a Grand and seemed to be sizing up a meal of fresh Jeep meat.
Heading further west we visited the old creek at the bottom of the hill. Now here is a nice place for morning tea. Well, we didn't stop there but continued up to see whether the road still joined onto Bella Spur Road to the south.
It eventually did but only after Cowboy had to get out the tools and clear the way. One worker and two happy supervisors. After a few more hills we eventually got through to Lowanna for a lovely sitdown lunch. On the left hand side of the photo is Max. Max always sits near other people when there is lunch. At last Camp Coffs Max sat next to other people for four days. He said it saved on bringing food and he only had to carry a fork.
The run finished after some adventurous down hill work back to Nana Glen.
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