This photo shows a great sample.
The idea of the run was to check and/or clear tracks for Camp Coffs in March. Easier said than done after huge rainfall in the preceeding months, high temps and great jungle growth on some tracks. Lantana had almost overgrown some tracks that the Club has checked out in October. Starting at the Woopie Roundabout and the obligatory 'air down' the run headed up Gentle Annie Road on out past the bottom of Impossible.
This is the Chief in sunglass disguise piloting an immaculate restoration.
The group separated with the Chief looking for new tracks to take people out on while a few stout vehicles looked at the access road to Impossible.
This is the Chief going down a steep hill in the same Jeep. It is a little blurred due to the speed of descent.
There were many turns checking out the trails along Middle Ridge, Murphy's, Marshalls and Plum Pudding Roads and a road named after Zane for some reason.
Great roads and after the rain not too much dust made this a great outing.
Jerra and Jacko in the diesel powered CJ7. It powered over the toughest terrain on the trip.
Whoops Zane has an issue about overheating!!!!
You need to look at this sideways to recognise the Chevy Blitz front end that has grown up over the years. Some Jeeper told me a story about having winched it up there in the old days, but as he was a Jeeper and sound was coming out of his mouth I knew he was lying.
Well, this is one of the places we went to. Not sure who Ivy was or where she lived.
The next images are of Monica avoiding getting her photo taken. She had just been through a near death experience as her driver tried to manage a four wheel drift coming round a very soggy forest corner.
Hope to see more runs as we lead up to Camp Coffs.